Goodbye to Our Special Friend
Our Tasha was a special dog
We know she gave her best,
But as we looked deep into her eyes
We knew it was time, for her to rest.
There’s something missing in our home
We feel it day and night,
We know it will take time and strength
Before things feel quite right.
But just for now, we need to mourn,
Our hearts – they need to mend
Thought some may say, “It’s just a dog,”
But we have lost friend
You’ve brought such laughter to our home,
and richness to our days.
A constant friend through joy or loss
with gentle, loving ways
companion, friend, and confidante,
A friend we will never forget
Tasha will live forever in our hearts,
our sweet beloved pet.
We know she’s watching over us
She’ll be with us when we cry,
So with five more kisses on her beloved head
We told our Tasha dog goodbye.
Forever in our hearts love Mom Dad Marvin Michelle & Daniel,
Tasha |
31, Oct 2011 |
Marv, Patti, Marvin, Michelle & Daniel |