Thistle Hufflepuff by Danica & Chris

you brought so much into our lives.
So much laughter.
Your curious sniffing of everything delighted us. Your tiny quiet grunting was so lovely to hear. I loved snuggling with you sleeping on my chest as I watched a video or the days when we’d nap together and you’d curl up next to my belly.

Bathtime was fun: watching you have full mobility of your limbs and swimming around to get your back stumps moving. Scrubbing your quills with peppermint soap and then with banana conditioner.

Thank-you so much for all of the trust that you eventually put in me. I know that it was not easy after your beginning in life.
I am honored to have known you to have loved you and to have been loved by you. Our time together was far too short for me: only 13 months. I thought that we’d have longer.

Until we meet again my little Puddinbelly.

I Love you so so much!!!!!


Thistle was a little critter with a great big soul. She would sleep in the center of our queen-sized bed and woe betide anyone who even dared enter the room: she would hop from beneath the blankets and try to terrify us with her loudest huffing and puffing. Going to bed was always a challenge if she was in there as she gravitated toward body parts which were bitable or anointable such as hair and toes. One time she rushed and bite my thigh- at least her teeth left no lasting damage. She would stare at me from Danica’s shoulder for hours. I’ll miss my cute crazy little friend.

You’re too stubborn to stay gone forever…

See you again someday Tissow!

Love Chris


Thistle Hufflepuff
14, Feb 2001
Danica & Chris