To All My Wonderful Friends by Liz Larson & Family / Mama

On January 23, 2007, my son set our home on fire. We lost nearly everything, including 8 of our 10 cats. I’m writing this now as a tribute to those cats. There are things I want to say here now before I forget them.

To Heidi: What I will always remember is your lovely eyes and how you clawed me to get my attention. When you wanted to be petted you’d bat at me with the claws out – you were demanding at times. Yet I know you loved me, and I loved you. Thank you for that. I miss you and I hope to see you again someday.

To Lacey: I will always remember your dancing and how it made me laugh. Thank you so much for being such a super friend after Snowzy died. You will never know how much easier you made that time. You were a wonderful mama cat too and your kids were great. I’m sorry I called you Spacey Lou and all that, and I hope you know how much I loved you.

To Badger: I think you loved me more than any cat I’ve had. I will always remember how you stared at me, with such love in your eyes, last Tuesday morning. I’m glad we got to be such good friends. I will miss those gorgeous eyes that always looked at me with such love. I hope calling you Pudgy didn’t hurt your feelings – I’m sorry if it did. I love you more than you will know and I miss you terribly.

To Sparkles: The Siamese bipolar bitchy kitty. Please know that I really loved you and that I do miss you. I’m glad that we got to be friends. I will always remember your beautiful face and eyes. Please watch over Tara and try to help her now. She is lost without you.

To Sparky: My kitten boy baby, how I loved you. I know you were Devon’s cat, but you and I grew to be so close. I remember how you jumped up and sat with me on Tuesday. I remember how loudly you purred. I know you were so happy. I am so glad you came into our lives. I remember how you walked into our yard, our home, and refused to leave. You knew we would give you a good home. And you gave us more than you will ever know. I love you so much KB, I miss you horribly, and I am so sorry.

To Callie: you beautiful girl. Thank you for loving Devon so much and being such a special friend to him. He needed all that love. Please watch over him now and try to help him go on without you. Please know how much I love you too. Goodbye sweet girl.

To Henri: the little bat cat. Tara is so lost without you. Please watch over her and help her now. I am so glad that you came into our lives. I will never forget your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous fur, and how playful you were. I love you very much and I miss you horribly too.

To Fireball: I think I miss you most of all. You were so beautiful. I will never forget those copper eyes and how they showed such love glowing from them. I will never forget how you meowed whenever you saw me. I love you so much and I miss you more than you can imagine.

Negra and Sasha are fine and are coming back to us today. I am so grateful to have them because I know they will help me now. I also know that they will miss you, even if you did have spats from time to time.

Eric is taking care of your bodies for me, and I promise you that when we move we will provide a special place for your remains to rest forever. I know you are in better place now, and that you are all very happy.

Please forgive me for not getting you out of the house. I wanted to so badly. I feel horrible that I wasn’t able to save you.

That is it for now. I am going to write each of you a separate tribute, and put photos on them so everyone can see how beautiful you all were. Thank you again for all of your love and for all of the great memories I will have forever.


I love you all forever and ever,
To All My Wonderful Friends
Liz Larson & Family