Todd by Chelsea / I love you, Todd

Todd was the best dog ever and I got him for my birthday. When iwould go to bed he would be right there next to me and then in the morning when I get ready for school….then after when I get home hes looking out my window waiting for me to get home..I wish I could go back to those days. He would go where ever I would go. I would take him every where to my grandma’s and all that and ampinghe was the amazing dog ever god gave me him. But I don’t get why he took him so soon. I can’t stand him not being here in this house But now he can be happy know he’s in a better place just not with me.

I wish I have a ladder to climb up and bring him down well that sounds crazy but I wish I did. I will never forget him. If I was out of town for the week or the weekend he would get sick because he missed me and I did miss him; he was not just a dog…he was more then that. If you try to hit me he would snap at you so you would leave me alone. But one day we could not find him so I went to walk out the door to go out side to find him and this lady came and said she found a dog that got hit by a car and she moved him off the road…and just like that he was gone. I miss him like crazy. I can’t stand it. Him not being there when I get home frome school or when I go to bed I wish it all was just a dream…but it wasn’t. I loved him and still do..
R.I.P.TODD 8-24-10


We love and miss you.