Tosca by Jane Bryant / Mummy, Daddy and Trapper

For our little black baby Tosca.

From the day we adopted you we loved you. You captivated us with your beautiful green eyes, and your special paws with the extra toes. You made us laugh as you played with your toy mice and robin, and tried to teach Joe how to hunt like a real cat. You scared us when you fell in the stream chasing Canada geese and baby ducklings. And you always talked to us in your own special voice.

We wish with all our hearts that you hadn’t been so unfairly taken from us so early – and our memories of you (whether playing in the daffodils or curled up by the fire)
will be with us always.

We love you and miss you so very much – our very own special little girl.


With all our love,
4, Jan 2007
Jane Bryant