Twinky by Darlene Brownlee / Mommy

Twinky, was a pound puppy. I rescued her before the pound was going to put her to sleep. Twinky was a very special dog. Twinky went to work with me, walks, even swimming. One thing I remember about Twinky is I didn’t have to be up in the morning and I didn’t tell her, sure enough she would wake me up at 5:00 a m! I loved her the same. Twinky got out somehow while I was visiting friends
for Thanksgiving in 1995.

I remember coming home and she didn’t greet me. I looked for her every where and couldn’t find her. Finally someone told me she got hit by a car. I remember racing to the vet and praying she would be okay on 11/25/95, she went to doggie heaven. Twinky, you will always be in my heart no matter what. I love you and miss you very much!


With all my love,
25, Nov 1995
Darlene Brownlee