
Oct. 16 1991 —– Still with Us

Today I was told my dog Tyson (Pom-a-poo)who is also my

very best friend has Canine Lymphoma.

I brought him to the vet 4 weeks ago because I felt a lump on his neck.

Initially I thought nothing of it. I thought “Its swollen glands nothing.”

A week passed I did nothing. It didn’t go away I made an appointment.

The initial test was taken and a sample was sent from each swollen lymph.

The week of waiting was pure hell and I expected the worse.

The doctor called and said “Nope it doesn’t seem to be cancer bring

him back.” I did and this time he went through so many test (poor baby).

Today they called and she told me it was Lymphosarcoma. I am still shocked.

He looks so normal running barking at the fireworks biting his stuffed animals

and eating fine. I can not believe that my little buddy is dying.

Reading all of the other stories has helped but I don’t think anything will

make me “feel better”.

I am going to speak to the oncologist Monday or

Tuesday to get a schedule for chemo.

I will continue to come here and update everyone on the progress.

Thank you to everyone else who has posted their stories,

it does make it a little easier to know your not alone.

~ Tracy

