Vicious by Krista Truitt / Krista

Vicious was a long haired chihuahuas Vicious was only with my family for a short time. But we were very attached to him. My family first got Vicious in late September of 2003 from a family friend. When we got Vicious he was only six weeks old. He was so small when we first got him he would sleep in this little basket and we would rock him
at night in the rocking chair.

Vicious lived a very short life but it was a very good one. Vicious had 5 acres of land to run on he had his own dog bed, he ate table food and didn’t even like his dog food. Vicious had a very good
personality for such a little dog.

Vicious was very special to my family. Yesterday while my family and I were at a baby shower Vicious was ran over by a car we found him laying in the road. It has been really devastating I cannot quit crying because my family and I mis shim so much. We love you Vicious and we know one day you will meet us at the pearly gates

In loving memory of Vicious Hatfield


With Love
Krista Truitt