{ Wallace Gutenberg von Perth }
February 29 1991 ----- April 16 2000
My perky little Wallace... you were the best friend I ever had.
Remember the rainy days when I'd let you inside?
Remember the time I tried to teach you to play Monopoly?
Those were fun times.
I always told you that you were a good wallaby.
You were paper trained you never made a mess
you were so special to me.
Always so happy hopping around like the smart guy that you were.
Although it wasn't too smart when you hopped into the street
but I could picture you laughing about it.
Now that you're gone I'm sorry the pain I caused you.
I was just trying to keep you healthy!
Maybe my mistakes will teach other people not
to make the same mistakes I did.
Remember the time when I was 10 and I fed you batteries
hoping that you'd light up?
I was so silly. We were both young and naive I guess.
I'm also sorry I only walked you 4 hours a day.
A wallaby needs more exercise than that.
And I used to wonder why you seemed so tired when we were finished.
Wallace you were the best friend I ever had.
When I get a human friend
I'm sure they'll never be as entertaining as you.
Wallace |
Michael |