Zoe Ann Weaver by Butch & Sherry Weaver / Love,

Daddy, Mummy, Melani, Randi, Ziggy, Ozzie, Roxie, and all the family

Zoe came to live with us when she was 8 weeks old.
We were so happy to have her. She was a buddy to our other dog Pud. She is now the oldest of 4 dogs. We got the horrible diagnosis of osteosarcoma on October 10, 2011. We were devastated. We took great care of our girl for the last 5 months. Today, we had to end her pain and suffering. We knew this day was coming but now that it is here, I do not know how I am going to get through this heartache.

We are going to miss you girl more than words can express. Ziggy, Ozzie, and Roxie seem to be lost today. When we came home from the vets, they ran out into the yard searching everywhere for you. All the other times we took you to the vets you came back. But not today. I wish they could understand where you went.

Well,Z, we all love you so very much. We are going to miss you forever. This house is soooo empty and sad without you here. Even with 3 other dogs, it is not and never
will be the same.


We will always love you Z.
You are gone but never will be forgotten.
Zoe Ann Weaver
28, Feb 2012
Butch & Sherry Weaver