Daily News

Daily News may be a newspaper but it also was the name of a handsome, very vocal cat on the grounds of my job. After having fed and catered to various cats over the years, on these grounds, I only had 1 cat left and he was getting very old for a feral, outside cat but he kept on trucking. Suddenly, I was out of work for a few months due to an accident and apparently, while I was out, a new cat appeared and decided to have his meals catered along with the older cat, Mr. Zimmerman, by the person temporarily running my “restaurant” until I could return to work. Upon my return to work, I met the newcomer and, since he seemed very comfortable at “my” territory, I realized he was there to stay and needed a name. I was never “into” the regular sort of “Fido, Snowball, Max” kind of name, so I had to think a little – what, I asked myself, was black and white like this new cat? aHA, the Daily News! So it came to be – not only was he named for a newspaper, but he was extremely loud and had quite a lot to say, guess he thought it really WAS his job to deliver the news all the time!! Soon, he was – to his chagrin – trapped and neutered but, once back at his stomping grounds, he seemed to recover well from that humiliating trip to the vet! Although he wouldn’t tolerate anyone coming too close to him, he was starting to “loosen up” a bit, after many months, and I was able to sneak in a few pats on his back as he started to eat. Soon after, however, he did a complete change and once again, would not let anyone get near him all. He remained this way and his wishes to be “aloof” were respected. He got along “ok” with Mr. Harold Zimmerman, but this old fellow, upon turning 18 years old, had to be taken, sorrowfully, to the Rainbow Bridge, and Daily was on his own, eating at his own “restaurant” every day. At times, he would disappear for several weeks, although his food was always eaten. He continued to literally yell at me when I drove up to park where he would often be waiting, but I never did understand exactly what he was saying! He sure was, though, very expressive! The years passed and things seemed “status quo” when rather abruptly, Mr. News started looking much thinner and started to rub against my legs and even was “asking” to be pet. On one hand, it was very nice to finally have him close up and personal but on the other hand, it seemed to be that he was asking for help. He kept looking worse and was taken to the vet, where it was discovered, after many tests, x-rays and an examination, that he was quite sick. He was, sadly, to be joining so many others over the Rainbow Bridge but his incredibly loud voice and large persona, still linger in the air, where he enjoyed several years at the place where he chose to reside. He’s certainly remembered whenever I drive up to my job and, of course, when I read the Daily News. He is missed.

Missing "Daily News" who needed no megaphone!
Daily News