You came to us as a package deal, you and your son and daughter. You were maybe 8 months old and your “kids” were about 8 weeks. You were originally rescued by our good friend Paula. She had rescued you on the Thursday before Memorial Day and had made arrangements to take you to the vet to be spayed on the Tuesday after the holiday. Unfortunately, Paula was killed in a tragic car accident two days after she rescued you. She hadn’t even brought in the house yet. With all the commotion following her accident, you disappeared. I wondered what had happened to you as we took several of Paula’s other animals
to come and live with us.
I didn’t have to wonder for long, because the following Labor Day weekend you showed up at her house–with your little family.Unfortunately you weren’t spayed in time. A phone call from her husband brought us up to get all of you. You became a part of our menagerie.
You were the sweetest girl, a lover to the point of being obnoxious! You always did “eskimo kisses” and were none too shy about it either. Any and everybody who came to our house were showered with your kisses and constant need for attention. You even insisted about giving them to the dogs–some of them who were not real happy about it either, but you were persistant and we all learned
to accept your loving ways.
You and your “kids” were inseparatable. The three of you could be found cuddling ang playing together continually. When you took sick they were beside themselves. We noticed you were having trouble eating, so off to the vet you went. You ended up staying there for a week getting IV’s and trying to get you to eat. At first the tests showed nothing abnormal. On the fourth day a follow-up x-ray showed a mass on your pancreas–a biopsy showed it was cancerous. We never got to bring you home. We feel terrible that you spent a week in the hospital, had we known sooner–you would have come home to be with your kids in the end. We had to let you go and you never got to say good-bye to them. They haven’t been the same since you have left us and they miss you terribly, as we do. Your son Mo walks the hallway every night looking for you and cries the most mourn cry we have ever heard. Bonkers, your daughter is still looking for you too, and clings even more to Mo than she ever did. The three of you had never been apart
and it is very hard for them.
We all miss your kisses and your loving ways–you left us way too suddenly and too soon. We know that you were happy here and your kids will be here and loved until they join you at the Bridge. You have a lot of company there with all your “brothers and sisters” who have gone before you and we’re sure they are enjoying your kisses. We are so sorry that we couldn’t do more for you but you are at peace now and no longer suffering. We are looking forward to your kisses when we meet you at the Bridge.
You were the sweetest girl—
Forever In Our Hearts And Memories,
Jewel |
24, Jan 2009 |
Helen Malinauskas & Joe Bielinski |