Mokie by Jon Litman / Pappa

Mokie, you silly little boy. You clown. You joker. You were are funny cat and you knew it. How many times did I catch you just rolling around on the floor just waiting for a belly rub? How many times did I wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning unable to move because you and Lilly had me pinned down?

Mokie, I will never forget the epic struggle you put up to keep you dignity and your sense of humor when the anemia was racking your body with pain. You are at peace now and I know that you are now in a great place where there is no pain, where you play on green grass in warm sunshine and there is always a lap to sit on at night.

I love you and I miss you, Mokie. Please come visit me in my dreams.


With Love Always,
18, July 2013
Jon Litman