" Nigel "
1980 ---- 1998
V a l e
We were together for a long long time
you were there through my pain and my fears
and many times I saw your tears.
As my sight dimmed and my hearing diminished,
you were always there to protect and to guide
and I was always there by your side.
When my time was up I saw your tears I clung to life
I didn't want to leave your side
and you did not want to let me go,
I knew how much you loved me so.
Don't ever think you betrayed me,
I was confused at what was taking place
you showed me the greatest love,
by letting me come to this better place.
The tears will lessen the pain will ease,
please don't be sad,
think of all the good times that we had.
I know your heart is heavy
and you find it hard to smile
remember you can always talk to me
I am still by your side.
I hear you say that the house is empty
and it is as quiet as a tomb,
just remember that I am no longer suffering
and someday we will all bloom.
One day we will be together
till then the Angels take care of my best friend,
I know you have asked God to look after me
and He will till we meet again.
For now I will play with my Cookie
and eat chocies until then
I will throw my self into your arms
and I will never leave you again.
Written by Dolores Blatchford,
In Loving Memory of Nigel a Pug Dog
her faithful dog and loyal friend 1980 - 1998.
Farewell my precious darling
I will always love you.
Nigel |
Blatchford |