Stinker by Christie


" Stinker "

1985 ----- Jan. 25 2000

Domestic Shorthair

In Memory of My Little Man


Your face marked with a crooked white strip

Long white whiskers askew

Toes colored to appear as if you might trip

No wonder I always loved you


You came to me and made me yours

Just moved right in it seemed

Laid upside down and hung from drawers

Brought more pleasure than I could have dreamed


A silent one so my father thought

For you had little to say

Nothing but peace had you brought

'Til a loud meow erupted one day


'Twas then My Little Man was understood

So appreciated and loved

For all of you was sweet and good

Sent to this place from above


You were lean sleek and black

A purring machine

When away waiting for me to be back

Never a moment were you mean


But you are gone from this earth now

Forever engrained deep in my heart

Life without you I do not know how

But only for now shall we be apart


I shall join you at the Rainbow Bridge one day

And you and I and others loved and lost

Shall finally be able to happily say

We made it together at any cost







