Chase by The Long Family

Written in Memory of Chase”
10-21-91 to 3-27-01

“Ode to Chase”
(Copyright 2001 Lori J. Long)

The hour fast approached and it was our last good bye.
You looked at me with your trusting eyes and I tried hard not to cry.

Even though it was very hard I was there for you my friend.
Just like you always were for me until the bitter sweet end.

You went away so gently as I held you in my arms.
Please know that in my heart of hearts I didn’t mean you any harm.

As you laid down softly and your body moved no more.
A calmness came upon me because you’d suffer nevermore.

The shell you left behind was just a housing for your soul.
I know you’re waiting up above with our loved ones from days of ol’.

You fought a valiant battle but it really couldn’t be won.
No one will ever take your place but you’d want me to go on.

I’ve got an empty feeling and an aching in my heart.
But someday when we meet again we’ll never have to part.

I know you’re up in Heaven though some folks might not think so.
For “dog” is God spelled backwards and they really couldn’t know.

About the special bond we shared and your kind & simple ways.
You exemplified the love of God I wish you could have stayed.

Just one more day one more time. It was too much to ask.
I really am so thankful that I could aid you when you passed.

I didn’t want you to suffer and you would have lingered on.
You wanted to stay by my side but it was time to help you move on.

You were God’s special creation just like each one of us.
That is why I’m crying & making such a fuss.

It really isn’t all that bad you’re in a better place.
You’re by the side of God and he doesn’t make mistakes.

So then I went out for a walk just like we used to do.
And I took along your collar it was a lovely shade of blue.

I shook it so it jingled but I knew it wasn’t you.
I envisioned you were up ahead and just out of my view.

And then I looked up toward the sky where your spirit soars above.
I thanked God for the gift of you and your unconditional love.

Thank you God for Chase and please help me to be
half the person he thought I was. He meant the world to me.

You’ll never be forgotten and you live on in my heart.
Thanks for all you taught me I’ll try to do my part.

So until the day we meet again my precious furry child
you romp and play in Heaven. We’ll be together this I vow.

The Long Family


27, March 2001
The Long Family