
My Guardian Angel”

By: Nola Milligan

For: Onyx-My Good Sweet Girl

I’ve loved you from
the moment I saw you.
You looked at me
with your beautiful eyes and
I knew you were mine.
I had given up on life at that time
And God sent you down
to look after me my Guardian Angel.

You gave me so much love
that you healed all my wounds.
And you licked away
all my fears with
your sweet kisses.
I don’t know
what I would have done
at that time without you.
How do I thank you
for giving my life back to me?

You were my greatest teacher.
You taught me
how to love unconditionally.
You never had to say
“I love you”.
I felt it with every
loving look touch and
wag of your tail.

You had a way of looking
so happy that I could swear
you were smiling.
You knew when I was
hurting and comforted me.
I never would have made it
through the hard times
without you.
I always had your shoulders
to cry on and you would
kiss away my tears.

How do I live without
you now that you are gone?
I saw you close your
beautiful eyes
for the last time today.
My heart is being crushed
under the weight of my sorrow.
I can hardly catch
my breath to say how much
I miss you.

I hope you are watching over me
now as you did
when you were here.
I need your unwavering love
now more than ever.
One day I know I will lay down
wrap my arms around you
and close my eyes forever.
Until then I will grieve
your loss every single day.

My life will never be the same
without you my sweet Onyx.
I hope your little soul is
happy and running free.
I will have a hole in my heart
just about your size
until we are together again.
You are my good sweet girl and
I will love you forever.

Goodbye Oni girl-
Please watch over me and
help me to let go.
I will miss you.



26, July 2001