Sammy by A.S. McClure

As I sit here in the dark
with tears and a heavy heart
How can I tell the children
how do I start.

I can start by saying several
thousand thoughts
But those memories on paper
can’t spell out
the love you brought.

You came to us as we became one
And in many cases
you were our son.

Through the years you grew old
deaf perhaps hard to see and
on this very day we shouldn’t
have let you be.

In a blink of an eye and
things to get done
We didn’t think much of the truck
coming down the street
as you admired the morning sun.

Now the kids are tearful too
as our friend lay still
But yet God’s grace will
take him to Heaven to heal.

Our Sammy is gone and these
twenty-four hours too shall pass.
We feel greive struck sad and
wish we could change the past.

Now to tell the children why
You won’t be back home
is the hardest part
But I can begin by telling and
recipricating the love
you had shown from the start.

A tribute will not heal
the heart soul or mind
But the unconditional love
you gave and memories will be
with us a lifetime.

So Sammy we say so-long for now
on a prayer many tears shed
and a sad Amen.
But play with God’s kids and
we’ll see you someday up
in Heaven once again.

A family pet a friend and a son
to some degree all I can say
as I close is may God be
with thee.



27, March 2002
A.S. McClure