Taffy by Jean


It was “just a dog”
get another my friends
said to me
How do I explain to them
how do I make them see…….

Made of fur a busy tail
two ears and a flair for fun
“It” gave me a gift of love
as no other had ever done.
Always giving kisses washing me
or running round and round
Looking for some special treat
or whatever could be found.

Great big ears and tiny feet
eyes that saw it all
Barking growling sniffing
when someone came to call.
Never missed a chance
to come and sit upon my lap
Or lay down on the bed with me
when I would take a nap.

When feeling sick or rather low
“It” was my special nurse
Loved to go and shop with me
sometimes hiding in my purse;
If I went somewhere and
“It” didn’t go
the reunion was something wild
And nothing could match
the love I felt for
this special furchild.

Although time may heal
the hurt and another come to stay
None will ever take
“Its” place —
each has a different way.
Though my heart is broken
and “It” took away a part
The Creator made a way for us
to just expand our heart.

Yes I’ll go get another “dog”
and I know from the start
I will give to “just a dog”
a new piece of my heart.



11, May 2002