Taffy by Margaret Perry / Mama

I thought I felt your presence
as I stood by your resting place.
My mind’s eye caught a glimpse
of your precious little face.

When suddenly my ears could hear
you running like the wind,
I longed to pick you up and
hold you close again.

But on and on you ran barking, jumping high
like you loved to do,
I listened close and realized
there were many more with you.

It seems there is only a veil
that separates us
that you are really not so far away.
One day I’ll join in your fun again and
that’s where we will stay.

The Bridge welcomes all who come.
The Rainbow lights the way,
For there you rest
with happiness and love
for each new day.

Yes, I thought I felt your presence.
I longed for us to be together,
And when I looked down upon your place
there lay an angel feather.

At Rainbow Bridge my Taffy waits,
her body young and strong.
She plays and dances in the sun
to our own heartsong.

Yes, I thought I felt your presence and
should have known right from the start-
that the memory and
love of you are right
here in my heart.


28, July 2003
Margaret Perry