Luna Lue Carpenter by Tina / Mommy

Forgive Me Please

Luna, can you hear me?
My heart is really low
I can’t seem to forgive myself
for the way I let you go

My mind was set on holding you
until the very end
You deserved this from your mommy
For you were my Best Friend

But at the last minute
I let them take you and I cried
For I was too weak to hold you
So with a stranger you died

The Dr. said you went gently
and peacefully to sleep
Mommy is sorry I let you down
I now think of this and weep

I know that you are happy now
and no longer feeling pain
I hope that you can forgive me
until we meet again!

Luna was not only the worlds greatest pet, but she was also my baby and my best friend! She will be loved and missed!
Luna momma loves you so much and I miss you I think about you all day long none stop. Until we meet again please remember that I will always love you and wish that we were together again.
Daddy says he loves and misses you too.
We will never forget you!

Love knows not its own depth until the hour of seperation.


With All My Love
Luna Lue Carpenter
2, Nov 2004