Sweet Lou
From the moment I saw you
This tiny orange kitten
It was love at first sight
I was instantly smitten
We shared a bond, you and I
A deep heartfelt connection
And treated each other
With love, respect and affection
You went to live in Kenora
I was so sorry
But I knew at Grandma and Grandpa’s
I needn’t worry
At seven years, you seemed so young
Who could have foreseen
That your time had come
You played in the yard
In the forest you thrilled
You’ve left a hole in my heart
That can never be filled
I miss your sweet orange furry face
But I know you’ve gone to a better place
To my darling, my gentle magnificent cat Lou
You were, and are, a loyal friend and true.
Sadly missed and loved Always
Sweet Lou |
2, Nov 2004 |
Julie Bova |