Payton by Mamma & Papa / Love you always and forever-
Mamma and Papa

We decided her name would be Payton
By her kennel door we did sit
We had to wait to adopt her
She was the greatest birthday gift I would ever get!

Her big brown eyes, her sweet soft ears,
her hugs that were always the best
And how her colors met each other,
the black and white along her chest.

Very quickly you became my greatest and bestest friend
For the love we have for each other,
will never see an end.

Bubba, I’ll miss you oodles
And in my heart I will never forget
The unconditional love and gratitude
That I’m not ready to lose just yet.

So promise me one thing,
watch over us you will do
For our time apart won’t be forever,
someday we’ll start anew.

We took away your suffering~
we let our Pooper rest
Papa held me close to him and said
it was for the best.

As I held you in my arms,
I felt you slip away
A part of me went with you
A part of me died that day.

You left us with eleven years worth of memories
Which we’ll think of lots and smile
But now we have to say goodbye,
but only for a while.

Although I think I still hear you
And what I’d give for just one more day
But in our hearts,
we felt it was time…….

Oh how we wish that you could have stayed!!!


I love you with all my heart...
the mostest...forever and ever and ever!!
6, Aug 2005
Mamma & Papa