Joshua Blue by Lisa McGregor / mum

You were a abandoned stray when I found you Joshi in August 2000,you had been caught in a trap, a snare; you had a nasty wound across your abdomen. We rushed to the vets as an emergency. All the time you never uttered a meow, you knew I was there to help you. That trusting look in your beautiful blue eyes. Your stay in the clinic was a short two days. I took you home and it took a year to heal your wound. All the pain and agony you endured, you never scratched or complained, you purred.

Your beauty and health restored, what a stunning cat you were – a red/cream point birnam cross. a real stunning big boy. Loyal and faithful and all the head butts and the constant purring. You took ill in July 2002 with a virus, all the trips to the vets and all the treatment could not help you. I was loosing my friend. You became so thin and weak, but I still clung to the hope that tomorrow you would turn the corner and get well again. But sadly on 25.9.2002 you were to tired and your big blue eyes said it all, you had to go to a peaceful place, where you would be well again.

I held you close as you peacefully went to sleep, kiss your speckled nose and telling you I loved you so. Kim and I cried for days and you have never been forgotten, I our hearts always and forever.
Sleep peacefully my beautiful Joshua – miss you so much but your in my heart forever.


With much love,
Joshua Blue
25, Sep 2002
Lisa McGregor