Ozzie by Butch & Sherry Weaver / Daddy, Mum, Melani, Randi, Roxie, Joe, Jazzy and Izzie


When my legs grew too weak to carry me,
And my tired eyes could no longer see,
When it pained me to struggle for each new breath,
When my heart beat weaker, and I drew closer to death,
You did me the kindness of letting me go.

You didn’t make me hang on when I was suffering so.

I promise I don’t think that you loved me any less,
And I love you all the more for your selflessness.
You freed my spirit from its body so wracked with pain,
And let me run the fields of Heaven, where I’m sure we’ll meet again.


With eternal love from your family.....
4, Dec 2016
Butch & Sherry Weaver