by Kimberlee Pickard / Kimberlee Pickard, October 18 2002

Pelli, your physical presence is gone from this earth, but I will never forget you. Your sweet nature, the love, joy and happiness you gave; your never ending support through some of my darkest hours; all of these extinguished by the carelessness and stupidity of one ignorant person.
I never even got to say goodbye.

I should never have gone to the beach that weekend. St Francis watches over your resting spot under the grape arbors, where it is peaceful and quiet. No other cat could ever take your place, but you sent something through to B. She has taken on a lot of your characteristics and mannerisms. She has a little white heart shaped mark on her chest, which I believe you placed there as a sign that you are with me still.

I will always think of you and love you, Pelli. I know that you are an angel now, and I hope that someday I will see you again. Please rememeber me and find me then – I love you, ma petite tĂȘte de chou –



Kimberlee Pickard