by Jennifer / Jennifer Bostic
Copyright 6-2-08

You were brought into our lives, February 27, 1996, I held you while you were still wet from your birth. You were already the biggest one in the litter, but I knew, you were the one I wanted to keep.

You have given us more than 12 years of joy and laughter with your uniqueness, personality and all the strange things you did, we miss you terribly and will forever remember you, because you were “Momma’s BIG BOY”

So, with love and many prayers, go… be with your birth mother, and know one day we will all find each other again.

You now can live without the hip pain, run and chase birds, cats, raccoons, squirrels and German Sheperd’s, without feeling stiffness
and soreness in your joints.

Grandma and PawPaw miss you something terrible to. Look for Paco, and don’t let Xuxa, be mean to him.

(from Me (Jen) to you, Thunder, you were truly the best “child” I ever had.. There were times in my life, when you provided me the only comfort that I could truly accept as being unconditional and from the heart.

We Love you Thunder.
Wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

Jen, Dena, John & Jade

