
1999 — Sept. 2000

This story is about my puppy ‘Cody’.

My beloved dog was born on good Friday 1999.

The first time I saw him was when he was 5 days old. I immediately

fell in love with all 5 of the puppies but had the most interest in the

biggest one that would eventually become my baby.

He and his brother and sisters were so cute!!!!!!!!!! I just loved them.

I wanted one so badly but knew I probably wouldn’t be able to budge my dad.

My mom was no problem she saw them a week later and also fell

in love with the one I had my eye on. They were being claimed for fast

already all of the girls were called for and they weren’t even

2 weeks old yet! There was only the one my mom and I wanted

and his brother left. So over the next 2 weeks we begged my dad

and we got him to at least go and see them.

So he did and also wanted the big one after the visit. so we

called and claimed him. We got him when he was 2 months old and

he settled in perfectly! He knew who we were after only about a week.

My mom was ‘mommy’ and my dad was ‘daddy’ my older brother was

just his name ‘mike’. and I was either ‘the girl’ or my name ‘Lindsay’.

We had many great times together. Especially our walks. He would take the

end of the leash in his mouth and run with it. He was such a cute dog!

Our great times seemed to come to a standstill though.

On September 20th 2000 also my mom and dad’s 20th wedding

anniversary my worst nightmare came true.

My best friend my beloved baby boy our 17 month old puppy was hit

and run over by a car. He survived the impact and we rushed him to the

emergency vet office. They told us the extent of the injuries and I was

surprised that he even survived the impact. His whole pelvis was shattered,

his hips severely dislocated and many internal injuries they couldn’t

look at right then.

He stayed at the hospital that night and the next morning my

parents came and brought him to our vets office.

She said they wanted him to stay there and she would look at him.

She told us later that the injuries were to bad for her to do surgery on so

she would call a surgeon to come and see him and determine what to do.

Our whole family went to visit him for

the first time since the accident that Friday night. That was the last time

my brother got to see him. we visited him every day. On the 26th Tuesday

night my mom and I went in to see him. He let us rub his belly give him

treats and practically get into his cage with him. About ten minutes before

we left he gave each of us tons of kisses and he had never done that since

the accident. It was if he was saying good-bye. And when we were leaving he

curled up in a little ball like he did at home in his cage and he watched

us walk out of the room. The next day he was scheduled to have surgery.

So they did the surgery and fixed everything perfectly.

I know I saw the x-rays. When my vet was taking final x-rays and putting

him back in his cage he stopped breathing. They did everything they could

do to revive him nose to mouth breathing heart massaging etc.

But there was nothing they could do now. They made a special bed for him

and covered him with a blanket so that only his head would show.

At around 4 o’clock that afternoon my mom got that dreadful call from our

vet. She went to see his body and to speak to the vet. She then came home

and told me the whole story. The doctors determined it to be a blood clot

and told us that he probably would have died anyway because of all the

internal injuries. The surgeon was even surprised he had made it this far.

I am missing my dog right now so much!!!!!!!

And I will never forget him.

Cody I know will always be

my Angel!


