Clyde by Trish / Mommy

These last few months were rough for you. To see such a big strong dog become so thin and weak. You were the best dog anyone could ever want. I can’t believe you are gone. Whenever I felt this bad before, you would be right by my side trying to comfort me. Now your gone, and I’m lost without you. You were the best friend I could ever want, there will never be another one like you. You were kind and brave and always on duty, even at the last moments at the vet when you were afraid. I can’t even imagine me without you. You were so good to everyone, even all the other dogs you took under your wing. You were always the leader. This house is empty without you. Marley is heartbroken too.I love you. I miss you. Wait for me, I know I’ll see you again.


I love you.