Bingo by JAY (ME) / Daddy

Bingo you came into my life when i was just a baby, as were you. Ironically we shared the same birthday. I remember the day we were sitting in the recliner together I turned to you and you gave a kiss right on my lips; I was happy that mom was there to take that picture which I still till this day I have it.

As the years we went our bond grew, you slept at the bottom of my mom’s bed everyday for 13 years. always there for me, when I was sick or sad… never judged.. just loved. When you began showing signs of aging I just said he’s just old he’s fine. Then you fell down the stairs and injured your spine…from that day on even though the doctor did what he could but you weren’t the same dog you had been.

Months went by and you began not able to walk down the stairs or hop onto the bed. Then finally one morning I heard your breathing labored and heavy. I went down to the floor and held you tears came from your eyes as if you saying I’m sorry I’m leaving you..I said it’s ok boy you have been through enough; it’s ok to go. Daddy loves you and I don’t want you suffer any longer….you knotted at me and a tear went down your face and let go. In that instant I became hysterical, “not my baby, not my bay he can’t be gone”…..I brought your brother to pay his respects to your lifeless body…he hollowed so much, he chased the car when we went to bring to get cremated…..Bingo, I miss you boy; I hope you reunited with your little brother Max when he passed away. I’m sure you did…I love so very much.


I Love you Boy.