Abbey Mokie Casey & Sadie by Murphy


"Abbey" "Mokie" " Casey",


March 1982 --- June 21 1995 ...... March 1982 ------ Sept. 1998 ..... March 1981 --- May 7 1999

March 1981 ----- October 22 1999


Abbey the first of my babies to leave.

You were always quite intriguing with your tap on by

arm to get attention and the most wonderful loud purr.

The silence was deafening.

I love you.


Mokie, was just a plain old tiger kitty that just

never out grew being a kitten.

I miss her so much she was one

of my childern.


Casey you were by and far the strangest

cat on the face of the earth!

I already miss our bathroom trips and the way

you were the 'great hunter' bringing me socks.

Rest in peace my baby.



Sadie, my love. You were the first

and now the last

of my cat family.

You were the matriarch the queen

quite frankly

the boss of our little group.

I miss our little cuddles under the covers.

I miss talking to you and you talking back.

I miss your presence in my life.

It's lonely with you gone.

Rest now Sadie.

Thank you for being such a large part of my life.









Abbey Mokie Casey & Sadie