Abigale Babette Donnelly by Mutter(Alice)

Mademoiselle “Baby” Abigale Babette–
Now you are safe within Heaven’s Net.
If only I could have known that morning
When I said “Today’s the BIG Day”–
That it would be the one when you would go away-

I never would have said that
I never would have taken you to the vet.
But God knows best,and for everything He has a reason-
Just wish He’d have let you stay for one more Christmas season.

How you loved the “Christmas Pretties” and
your gift under the tree.
But I guess this year it just wasn’t meant to be.
You’ll be with us in spirit this holiday I know
And your “ashes” are safe upon our fireplace mantle
away from the cold wet snow.

How you loved the warmth
being the “heat-seeker that you were.
I know that you’re in heaven now where
there’s no cold or snow to fear.
Rest well and “Merry Christmas”-
your favorite time of the year.
Say “Hello” to all up there that we know
and wish them good cheer.

Sure do miss you “Baby Abigale”
but want to to enjoy your “Special” place.
Someday we’ll be together again when we meet at
“Heaven’s Gates!”
In memory of and with
so much love

Mutter (Alice)


Abigale Babette Donnelly
28, September 2000