Ajax by Trisha / Trisha~

Ajax was my very first dog. He was a Christmas surprise. I named him Ajax after I read a story in which “Ajax” rescues his girl master. Ajax was that little hero for me. He helped me get through a lot of rough times over the years. Always by my side. Although he was just a little guy he was very protective of me.

Ajax was also very sweet and did a great job of cheering me up many times. He loved to play fetch and chase our cats. Ajax hated to bathe but, he loved when I would cut his hair. He would zoom all around the house excited as I blow dried his fur. I would occasionally share a piece of candy with him. His favorites were good & plenty and smartees. Ajax also learned to wink back at you as his sign of affection. He loved going for walks to the lake, car rides, hopping into a basket just for him on my bicycle, or posing for pictures.

It’s dfficult to describe what a good friend he was but anyone who’s ever truly loved a pet would understand. Even the smallest of memories count. Ajax became very ill at 11 years of age. That is when the most difficult decision was made. Ajax was let go of peacefully in August of 2001. For me there will never be another Ajax.
I just hope that he’s waiting in peace at the rainbow bridge with my brother’s dog Butch.


With Fondest Memories & Love,
Aug 2001