Amy by Karen Clayton / Mom.

On Oct. 5th of 2006 my beloved “Amy” was brutally attacked right in front of me by my neighbor’s German Shepard. She was my sweet and constant companion of 16 1/2 years. She loved to sit on my front patio while I watered my plants……that’s the only time she went outside, and I kept my eye on her, the dog came out of it’s house at top speed and tore her to shreds. It’s been nearly 5 months and I am suffering from nightmares, depression, severe crying spells, I just can’t seem to get on with my life. I’m so full of hatred for this stupid neighbor who saw no reason to leash his 127 lb. vicious dog, instead he kept it trapped inside a house so it became aggressive. I’m crippled with hatred and sadness. The guilty party still lives across the street……….I’m the homeowner, he’s the renter. I need legal help if anyone can help me please.


Miss you sweet baby girl,
Karen Clayton