Angel by Beth & Charlie / Mommy & Daddy

Angel came into our life in 2002 when we rescued her from a shelter. Right away we found out that she had heartworms but we had already fallen in love with her so we had her treated and brought her home. She was very shy and was afraid of strangers and loud noises but with lots of love we soon made her feel at home. She was the smartest, prettiest girl and she was full of unconditional love. She loved to go on walks and play ball and loved to eat ice cream! She would let us know each night when it was time for her ice cream. When I would get home from work she would rush out the door and run to my car to greet me and we had to go on our walk lst thing!
She would always be by the table
when we ate supper and got treats from the table.

I miss her so much! I miss her being there when I had a bad day and her always being by my side when I was working outside. I miss her waking me up at night to go outside but mostly I just miss her and all the love she gave us. That last trip to the vet, she gave me a look as we loaded her into the car that said, “Mom, I don’t think I’ll be coming home again”. She will always be in our hearts. Angel, we will see you again some day at the Rainbow Bridge. Angel, remember that Mommy loves you and that you will always be my baby girl.


Love you baby girl,
Beth & Charlie