Angel – Nano by Mary Ellen Seni / Angel

Our dainty Angel – Nano kitty cat passed today during her 16th year. She was our precious, gentle, loving Nano. She was the serene and non combative Nano. Small in stature and so mild mannered, our other cats would sometimes try to intimidate her with a few paw pats on her head. She would just flatten her ears and scrunch closer to the ground. The other cats would then proceed to lick her ears as though she was their little sister. She tolerated this
indignity with great patience and humility.

She slept with me every night sometimes perched on any available body part or just calmly curled at my feet. She was a talker and continually requested ear and head scratches as well as a tummy rub. Each morning she waited at the sink for a refill of the water bowl. Nano loved fresh water.

Nano was our love for 16 years. Two years ago she developed the kidney disease but battled and conquered her near death experience. We were so relieved and elated. During the last few weeks however a gradual weight loss was noticed. This past week she suddenly became only bones. We had her hydrated and treated with antibiotics. I syringe fed her special calorie laden vet food and water throughout the day and night. But she only became weaker, thinner and withdrawn.

Today I was going to help her pass to the kitty cat land of tranquility where our eldest cat now resides after his passing from kidney disease. This decision to euthanize was made with great emotional difficulty. However she was kind and considerate enough to spare me this trauma by passing on my bed surrounded by all of the love we shared as well as my pajamas cuddling her face. Although I was not at her side at the moment of passing, we said our goodbyes earlier as I petted and kissed her with words of “it is ok to go”. Her response was three tiny gentle barely audible meows as she, with great difficulty,
raised her head to mine.

So now she is gone..this gentle loving tiny cat child of mine. Now I, my children and our 3 remaining cats share an emptiness in our home and lives. However our thoughts and memories will forever be filled with thoughts of our special Angel.


Thoughts of our special Angel,
Angel - Nano
Mary Ellen Seni