Annabell by Joanna Wilkinson / Your Mommy,
Joanna Wilkinson

On October 16th 1988 I received the best birthday present ever. A female blonde cocker spaniel. It was my 6th birthday. 14 years ago I had a puppy running around the house. But as the years passed annabell got older and sicker. Annabell died of kidney cancer and old age.

She was my first dog and will always have a place in my heart. As the years go on and we get new dogs…they will never replace the love I had for Annabell. I will never forget playing in the snow with Annabell..I will never forget coming home from school to a loving dog
beside the front door.

Annabell you were there through all my rough times. and if it wasn’t for you I would of never made it.. I know now you are in doggy heaven and not in pain anymore which is the best thing. But, you will always be missed by your loving family.


With Love,
Joanna Wilkinson