Annastasia by Brooke Clark / Best friend and mommy

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old and the family was walking around the local mall. As usual all three of us kids begged to go into the petshop. Our parents gave in way to easily as they usually did. A cute little Westie caught someone’s eye and we all went to take a look at the puppy. My sister Bridget took it upon herself to go and ask an employee if she could play w/a little white bundle of fur. That bundle of fur was our maltese Annastasia. It was love at first sight and Annie went home w/us that afternoon. She was sooo spunky and loving.

Her favorite game was ratzing with the towel after her bath…oh how she loved to act all mean and tug on that towel. She traveled all over the world with us as we moved: to Belgium and France as well as all over the US. She was my rock. I could always count on having my buddy Annie there. She worked with me at Balcom Canyone Pet Lodge. She was the greeter that everyone loved to spoil rotten. She was always dressed to the a princess dress at Halloween and in seasonal scarves round the year.

Annie even had a purple leopard sweater for the winter and a yellow slicker for rainy weather. Later she moved w/Koko puffy and me to Las Vegas when I married. Occasionally she came to work at PetCo. Mostly she slept her days away. I knew that her old body was getting tired, although it seemed as if she would be with me forever. Or I suppose that is what I wished…that we would be friends on this earth forever.

After 15 years she was more like my white furry child and now I have to go on without her. I hope that she is smiling down on me right now. She is spunky, fluffy white, pain free and happy as she runs like a little demon through the clouds of heaven.


With love forever...until we meet again,
Brooke Clark