Apache by Agathe / Thank you, Apache

I got Apache from the SPCA when she was 1 1/2 and I was 12. I was lucky enough to have her for 14 wonderful years. Apache was so beautiful; her ears were like velvet and she smelled so good. She was always a good dog; intelligent and healthy. She loved to take off if you left the gate open when she was younger.

She was rescued by a mailman when she was 4 1/2 from our house burning down, and she ran away a few weeks later because she didn’t know where she was. Unfortunately, she was hit by a car and suffered a broken leg. She survived for 2 weeks and someone found her and called my dad because I was in Europe at the time.

Her leg was fixed and you never would have guessed it was ever broken. She could still jump super high and run like always. As we got older, Apache moved out with me and my boyfriend, and we began the adult years. Even at 10 to 13 she acted like a puppy. She loved to go “goose hunting” (She’d just chase after a flock, never catch one!!!) and would always answer you in song if you asked her if she wanted to go for a walk, or a ride or if she was hungry. She suffered a sort of stroke, called idiopathic vestibular syndrome in Sept. 2000, and we thought we would lose her then. She came out of it o.k., but it was the
first thing that ever aged her.

She passed away on June 02, 2003. She was, and is, still the most beautiful. Her back legs just couldn’t hold her well, and we were well known throughout the apartment because our dog “walks” consisted of us carrying her, but that was o.k. She wasn’t in pain. She was just tired. Putting her down was the hardest thing we ever had to do, but I had to respect her and she wanted dignity. I was blessed to be the fortunate owner of the best and most loving dog, and I will never forget Apache. She left her mark on anyone who met her. People who didn’t like dogs were won over by Apache’s niceness and her personality. She was always so vibrant and full of animation.

She was full of love. I miss her so much, but I am so blessed with having known her for 14 years. Apache, you deserve the best. We love you!!!


You will always be Apache.