Atasha Lucky by JT Andrews / Mommy, Atasha Isabella, Atasha Lucky Girl &
Atasha Karmal Corn

I will never forget my beloved Lucky who I got 9 years ago. It was a good thing, I save his life. That is why I named him “LUCKY”. How did I get him? I stopped at Arby’s for my order. I saw the big poster of the Shelter/Pound to save homeless animals. I saw one of his pictures on the posture, and he looked very cute. He looks more collie, but I was not sure. My feelings told me to go to see him and take him home. I was not really ready to have another dog, but I had collie mix named ATASHA JAKE already. Thinking about the dog on the poster kept bothering me every moment. He was at the shelter and spent a month there until I rescued him from being put to sleep on 12 April 1999. I gave him a chance and he was such a remarkable dog. He was Border Collie mix. He was so alert and Protective. I adored him very much, and he was my aggressive dog. That’s why he protected my home, my car and me wherever we went. I felt more responsible for my dog’s aggression and attitude. I trained him, and he was obedient to me. I was very impressed with him. I was so glad I got him from the shelter.

He had a wonderful life that he enjoyed on our old farm, at my home residence and with me. He enjoyed playing with the Arabians, Mack and Nikki in the pasture. When Mack and Nikki, Jake was passed away and he missed them. Then, he loved to cuddle and play with his cat, Lucky Girl who was adopted from Rescue. He got his new sister dog named Isabella. He had a great relationship with small dogs that he never hurt them. He wanted to be sure they were safe and unhurt when they were outside for instance from the hawks, raccoons or other predators. The little dogs loved him so much and played and barked to each other and to Lucky to communicate. I never saw that before.

After his birthday 10 years old, Mommy surprise Isabella and Lucky for their January birthday on same day. Isabella was 3 years old. They had a great time with their treat cake. He looked fine until this July 2008 and notice Lucky’s condition was change. He was not himself like he was before. He had little pain from arthritis in his leg. A few weeks later, his condition got worse, and I took him to the veterinary for an emergency visit. I learned and was very shocked to hear that Lucky had cancer in his spleen and liver. He had 2 weeks to live. My heart was broken. I cried and was so hurt. I hugged him and said to him, “I don’t know what to do without you, Lucky.” I knew that he was hurting so much and now I felt his hurt and pain. He started getting weak for days and was unable to eat because of the pain.
He would throw up his food.

I wanted to spend time with him for a few short weeks. I couldn’t believe that he had cancer at 10 years old. I felt so bad, but I had to accept it on faith. I knew he loved the farm, so I took him to the farm. I wanted to be sure he got to do what he wanted before he was too sick. I talked with him about our past times. I think that made him feel more comfortable hearing me talk to him lovingly. I saved his life from “death row”, and he had 10 years with me. Then I was told him if he was ready for his time to go that he could be with my other babies at the Rainbow’s Bridge and don’t wait too long. He was weaker and his condition was bad. I would rather he could pass away with me instead of euthanized, but I didn’t want him to get any worse. I cuddled him and gently hugged him on my bed and talked with him for a few days and tried to tell him. Time went by for him and I had to take him to the veterinary and then he passed away peaceful. They were waiting for Lucky to join with my other late pets there: Atasha Jake, Atasha Mack and Atasha Nikki and other pets, except he never met my mother, Christine. I told him someday, I would meet him in Heaven with mother and my other babies. I know he was hurt so much, and now it was my turn to hurt and feel so sad.

On August 1, 2008 at 11:35 am, he was euthanized peaceful. I stayed with him. I let him know that I was with him. I cried and I was so full of emotions with him. I love my companion Lucky. I put him in his beautiful casket and went to the Pet Cemetery where he was buried. I cried and felt so sad. I looked at him and my other pets’ graves next.

When I get home, it was so quiet. I looked at his bowl, favorite toys and his bed. There was no Lucky around. I told Lucky Girl, Karmal Corn and Isabella that he was gone now. Isabella came to cuddle with me. She missed him so much and she was looking for him. Oh boy, I looked at Lucky’s favorite Lazy chair that he slept on his own chair. Now, there was no Lucky on his chair. I was cried and hurt myself for a few days later. I was surprise to see my cat Lucky Girl took his chair. I let her to have it for remember him. We all missed him so much.

I love you and miss you, Lucky. Now, you don’t have any more pain and suffering. You can run and be healthy at Rainbow’s Bridge. You can go play with Atasha Jake and Atasha Mack / Nikki.

Until we meet again, I hope to see you in my dreams.


Love you and missed you,
Atasha Lucky
1, Aug 2008
JT Andrews