Simba by Katherine / Mommy (Katherine)

He was my little boy and I loved him so much. Having to make the decision to put him to sleep was one of the hardest decisions of my life. I know he is not in any pain now. I know that I will see him again someday. I miss how excited he got when I would come home and how mad he would get when I left because I was not taking him with me. I miss him jumping on the couch and scratching at my arm for me to pet him. I miss him getting all excited and barking when I would pull the treat box out after he used the bathroom outside. I miss everything he did whether it was annoying or not. He was Ma’s little boy.

I Love You Simba.


Simba by Katherine / Mommy (Katherine)

I moved to Las Vegas, NV about three years ago and I was Miserable. I decided I wanted to get a dog. So my mom and I went to the animal shelter and I couldn’t find one I wanted until We got to the end and were about to leave. He was sitting all the way to the back of his cage and looked sad. I told my mom I had to have him. I paid for him and we took him home. He was so happy with us. I wasn’t miserable anymore. Having him made me alot happier. This year he had a heart attack and his heart had stopped beating for about a minute. so we took him to the animal emergency hospital. They told me he had a heart disease and I could have alot of test done on him and there is no guarantee he would make it through the test because of his stress level. Or I could have him put to sleep so he would not be in any pain anymore. Even though it was very difficult to decide I chose to have him put to sleep, I did not want him to suffer anymore. I got to go see him in the oxygen cage and I held him and talked to him. I felt so bad because when I had to put him back in the cage he was scratching at it for me to get him out and take him home. All I could do was cry the whole time. I told him I love him very much. I know I will see him again and we will both be very happy together.

I love you Simbas.