Boo-Boo by Sis / Your Momma, Sis

I had Boo-Boo ever since he was just a little black furball until he was 12 years old. He was
a BIG part of my life and it’s just not the same without him, but I know I will see him again. I Thank God for having Boo-Boo in my life for as long as I did. He was a True Blessing!!I will always love you, Boo-Boo. I’ll see you again someday. You will always be Momma’s Boy!!


by Sis / Your Momma, Sis

I lost my boy Booboo going on 3 years now. There is not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. The pain of losing him is still there but not near as bad as it was. I have some peace now, but I miss him terribly! He was the best dog I have ever had. I have another pet now(she’s a good dog and loves everybody)and I love her too. But my Boo Boo was a one of a kind! I visit his grave,(it’s in my yard) all the time and I also have his pictures in frames in my home so…I see him everyday.


Boo-Boo by Sis / Your Momma, Sis

On June 1, 2006 I had to do the hardest thing that
I have ever had to do in my life, I had to put my boy to sleep. He got Cancer. I call him my boy because he was just like a son to me. He was everything to me and I miss him soooo sooo much.
There is not a single day goes by that I don’t think of him. I have many Photos of him growing up around the house. I had him for 12 years. It was so strange when he was gone. I was lost and Very emotional!!I will always love you Boo-Boo!!I will one day see you again. Until then, miss you terribly.