Peanut Mankin

You were more than a dog, you were a family member without a doubt. You made us laugh, you made us feel loved and at times you made us wonder what you were thinking.When the world felt like it was crashing down around some of us you were there as a silent supporter. You had our back whether it was with a forceful nudge on hand with your head to get our attention to pet you or laying down at our feet and falling asleep with your head on our foot. You didn’t mind car rides, you tolerated the outfits and come to love your sweaters no matter how nerdy they were. Posing for pictures was something you mastered, you would sit there and give a look like only you could do with those big brown eyes. When your heart stopped beating mine broke into. You were my shadow, my stalker, my best friend until the end. I just hope you know how much you were loved and how much we feel blessed for having you in family. Love and miss you daily Pea.