Beautiful Domino, you made me smile and laugh with your beautiful face.  I loved you the instant I set eyes on you 7 years ago when I rescued you.  You eased my pain so many times when I’d hold and rock you.  I will forever treasure our catalog shopping for your guinea treats.  I know that now you are popcorning at the bridge with all your other brother and sister guineas and bunnies.  What a glorious day it will be when I hold all of you and we cross that beautiful Rainbow Bridge to heaven together. I promise to bring more peaflakes!!  Mama loves you forever and ever, and that’s a long time.  You are in my heart forever.  

Love always,  Mama


My precious Domino, mama misses you so much.  When I rescued you seven years ago I could never have imagined the happiness you would bring into my life.  I treasure the times we would look at gardening catalogs together and you would ” wheek ” with delight at the pictures of carrots and bell peppers.  Wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge my precious one with all your other brothers and sisters that are there.  I love you forever and ever, and that’s a long time. 


My beautiful Snowball, you are an inspiration not only to me, but to others who knew your story.  As an amputee cancer survivor you proved that abilities outshine disabilities.  God gave you to me for nearly 5 years and you were always happy to scoot along and wheek for all your treats.  I know that now you are reunited with your mama Angel Girl and all your other brothers and sisters who were waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.  Wait for Lyle and me at the Rainbow Bridge and I can hardly wait to see you running into my arms with all four legs.  Love you forever and ever, and that’s a long time.  Hugs and kisses till we meet again.  Love,  MaMa and Lyle


You were so mistreated when I rescued you 9 years ago.  It took time but you soon forgot the past and learned to trust and accept the love that we wanted to show you.  You gave us so much unconditional love in return.  We so missed your bunny kiss this Christmas morning.  We know you are now pain free and doing your twirling binky dance with all your brother and sister guineas and bunnies.  Wait for us at that Rainbow Bridge. We love you beautiful Rosey Girl with those gorgeous rose colored eyes.  Love you forever and ever and that’s a long time.   Hugs and kisses,  MaMa and Lyle


Mama misses you so much my beautiful Sparkles.  When I rescued you from the terrible dirty conditions you were in, I promised you a wonderful life full  of love.  Everyday when I told you how beautiful you are I meant every word.  Your beautiful ruby eyes that sparkled with love and gratitude is why I named you Sparkles.   You brought a special sparkling light to my life.  Wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge with all your other brother and sister guineas.  What a wonderful day that will be when I can hold all  of you again never to be parted.   Like I would tell you everday, mama loves you forever and ever and that’s a long time.  Hugs and kisses to you.  Love, your forever MaMa.


Everyday I would tell you how much mama loves you forever and ever.  God gave you to me and I give you back to your Creator.  I am so grateful that He guided me to rescue you four years ago.  I will hold on to the joy I’ve known to help my now broken heart.  I know we will be  together again one day.  Till then be good with all your other brother and sister guinea’s.  Mama loves all of you forever and ever.