Lil Pipey Buff by sami / Sami xxx

I remember when we first brought you home when you were a tiny pup. You looked like a little pig. You were so sweet right from the start and you don’t know how much happiness you have given me over the years. You were so clever. You were more like a human then a dog.

I remember when dad had to turn all the door handles upside down in our house because you used to let yourself out the font door and take yourself for walks, haha. You made me laugh so much. I miss you so much and I wish so hard that you were back at home with us.

Nothing seems right since you left. I’m so sorry we didn’t know you were in so much pain. Lil Milo is missing you. He keeps looking round the house for you. I don’t know why coz all you used to do is chase him, hehe. I hope you’re having fun in doggy heaven and not misbehaving too much, you little rebel! I miss you; see you soon my big boxer boy! Love you lots xxxxxx


*Piper* by sami / Big sis xxx

Think of all the good times,
Forget when I was bad,
Look back on all the fun days,
Remember the long walks we had.
Yes I was ill and frail,
But it was my time to leave,
So quickly ill I fell,
I just had to get some peace.
But now I’m gone,
Laid to rest,
Always think of me at my best.
The Piper you have always known,
The me who watched you as you’ve grown.
I want you to know I’ve got here fine,
And I’ll be waiting till it’s your time,
And then we’ll meet again.
We’ll cross rainbow bridge together,
And we’ll never have to worry about leaving each other….NOT EVER!