ALEX by tiffany + Tamika / mommy

Alex I known and loved you and never thought I’d see the day, but I know you’re in a better place where you won’t feel pain and won’t fall down. I’m sorry my girl. Have great christmas in heaven! Remember us always and have fun with Gizmo the cat and Merk the cat.


Gizmo by Tamika / mom

I’m sorry that I had to put you to sleep, but I couldn’t let you suffer anymore, but if love was all that was needed to make you better then you would still be with mommy. I love and always will so until one day. Wait up there at rainbow brige until we meet again so until then say hello to Merk for me and play happy across the brige.


GIZMO by Tamika / mommy

Gizmo you gave your love I gave mine, but I can’t get over how much I loved you. I didn’t think there could ever be a cat like you until your picture warmed my heart; your two toes on your back paws, your kitty smile made me cry. You were just so speical and not to have you here is just a nitemare, but I know you you are not in pain at rainbow brige and with all the other cats. I miss much everyday and Monday May 15 was your bithday and I was sad and lonely without my kitty to comfort me, but I know you’re happy now and another day seeing you in pain was like a nitemare and I couldn’t see you in pain. Remember we love you and
we think about you everyday.


Cosmo and Gizmo by Tamika / Tamika (mommy

Cosmo I don’t know if you are gone. I just wish I never let you out side and we miss you and Gizmo I miss you both and I’m not giving up on finding you, Cosmo. If you are still alive but Gizmo is gone and it is so hard to not think of my beest best friends in pain. I sorry Cosmo and I am especially sorry to my Gizmo. You gave me the courage to do everything I am. I will never forget you Cosmo and Gizmo. I love and always will and I hope you are as happy and Gizmo I hope you are not in pain anymore.
I will never forget you guys !!


Gizmo by Tamika /

Gizmo was the greatest and to see him go was horrible.
1 year is not good enough you gave all your love and I gave all mine and the other cat are not you and to not see you sleeping by my feet is so sad. I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you and you went through too much pain.

But be happy up at rainbow bridge I and mom miss you.


by Tamika / Tamika, my mom and sister

Gizmo you gave me a year. We love you. You’re like my child. Never thought that I would loose you so early. I tried almost everything so did mom and we’re crying every night for you. You’re my number one hero, my sweetest sunshine and there will never be a day that we don’t miss you. So please forgive me and remember that I will never ever forget you. You’re my guardian angel.


by Tamika / Tamika+hers +your family


I miss you ever so much; why did you leave so early. I mean you were only a year old. Christmas is not the same without you looking and you loving your presents. I’m so sorry I didn’t say goodbye but it was way too hard for me. I’m so lost without you and no other cat can take your place and Cosmo kitty really is sad he has no more pal. But, Gizzie, remember I love you and Family, Mom, Amber, Ryan, me, Gram and Brendon and cats Cosmo and Pumpkin. Please be free and with no pain R.I.P little guy. You were the best cat.


by tamika / Tamika, Cosmo and Famly

Gizmo it has been two ecking months without you and we miss you especially Cosgrove aka Cosmo misses you ever so much. He is so depresssed and is trying to annoy other cats outside. He is so lonely. Anyway we miss you like crazy and there was anything I could have done I would have done it case we loved you and always will. You were so young. I am sorry I was not there when you had to be put sleep but I loved so much. It is too hard so please for give me
and mom and Amber …


Alexandrea {Keebler} by Tamika / Tamika and family

Alex was a special dog my sister got her from a breeder. When I met her I loved her; we became best friends. She loved long walks around the green. We always brought her to work and she loved it. Her best friend was a female Greyhound. We would take them on a long walk together. Until she got sick and fell a lot we knew she was older and it’s her time so with heart break she was put to sleep on Dec. 6, 2006. She had 16 1/2 years together. We will never forget her, our first friend first dog
until we meet again.


cosmo by Tamika / mommy


We found you as a stray in April 2005 when I was working outside. You came to our house everyday and we never knew who you belonged to. A few months later you became our cat and we came close, but after that his best friend Gizmo died and then you wanted to be outside more, but just 2 months later we hadn’t seen you outside for a week and a half. We still don’t know where you are, but we pray that you alive.


GIZMO by Tamika / Tamika and your and my family

It was in the summer of August 2004 when mom and me got you I saw you on pet It said that you and your sister had three toes but it was really two and one for him. The first time I saw him at the foster home I fell in love with him; we bought him home the first night and he was just acting like he was here his whole life. Every night he would sleep with me until one fall day in 2005 I noticed he was not urinating good so I freaked out calling my mom and sister.

They said he was just nervous because we were fixing our house so I worried all night thinking what is going to happen but just in 2 days before my mom bought me to school he made a growning sound like he was ever so weak so we rushed him to the vet. the vets exact words were well he has a bladder infection he we’ll need to go on antibiotics urgently so we took I’m home gave him his medicine the next day he growned louder and threw up blood so off we brought him to the vet again the vets said, well you brought him here right on time it turns out he has a horrible blockage in the bladder any longer and he would have died by all the toxins flowing in his body this will have to mean surgery and right now no waiting so we left him there and me and my mom crying they let us take him home when the 2 days were over and when he was back he growned again.

Oh no I screamed so back to the vet the vet said well he is blocked again. So he was in surgery again then when the 3 days were over he growned within 3 days so my sister suggested going to her vet. He did the same thing. He gave him surgery because of the blockage so we left him there for a week me crying after that week he came home no problems. Thank god until the weekend was over he groaned again so my sisters vet told us to go to this person that does so we went there so he gave him the and he said he is not blocked anymore but he does have serious bladder infection so he offered us medicine that will soothe and make the bladder better so we said will try anything just to save our 1 year old baby so we tried it with no luck in 12 days he was so bad that we had to say goodbye. Gizmo was put to sleep
at the age of one 2004/2005 .


Gizmo by Tamika / Tamika

Gizmo came to buy we picked up from a cat rescue in ct with two and one toes on Black feet. He had extra skin and weighed a little less than 2 pounds he had a very long tail and short whiskers. He had something more than problems. He had alot of love and when I first saw I said yes he is perfect. I was right.

Then 12 months later I noticed he was having trouble urinating. Then a week later he was horrible so we brought he to the vet said he had a bladder infection so he gave medication so we went home and he took the medication the next morning was horrible. He was throwing up blood so we took him again. It turns out his bladder enlarged over night and he said within a week he what of just died. So we said the surgery and so they did. Then the next morning me and my mom went. I was crying and he looked terrible so we took him home after 2 days and he was then he got terrible again so this time we went to my sister’s vet and they said he needs to have a kind of surgery. We said yes after that we took him home then he got worse again.

He was in so much pain and we tried every thing so we said he’s in too much. Gizmo was put to sleep on December 5, 2005.