Babe by Mike and Cindy Myers / Daddy and Mommy

You were so much a part of our life–14 years and 9 months of memories. You joined us at 2 weeks old, and we bottle fed you with your “mama”–an OshKosh bear. We still have (most of) it. Riding in your wagon behind the riding lawn mower, herding the cows, eating the fresh picked radishes, making trash runs, doing “cow-checks.” You loved to run in the pasture, and you found out what a barb-wire fence was “the hard way.” When we moved to California you rode cross-country in the car with us, looking forward to wherever we were going, and just happy being with us. You loved checking the perimeter nightly for ‘possums, went with us to the New Year’s Celebration in 2000 at Colorado Blvd. In Pasadena, camping in Tehachapi, and anywhere else we were allowed to take you. You loved catching tennis balls in mid-air, sitting on the wall next to the pool, and going somewhere (as long as it wasn’t to the “dreaded” vet’s office).

You knew all your toys by name, and could go get the correct one when asked. You adored playing “rope,” and you thought having peanuts and beer with Daddy was heaven on earth. When we moved north to the High Desert, you helped Mommy cope with some severe depressive episodes and get her act together. Sometimes we think that we stayed together because neither one of us could bear to part with you. You were Mama to Rocky, Chelsea and Sarge, and defended them fiercely when they would get reprimanded.

As your arthritis got worse, we could see the pain in your eyes, and many days you could barely walk. Your eyes clouded with cataracts, and you could no longer hear us very well. When we made the decision to send you to the Rainbow Bridge, we did it with love. We were both there with you at the end, and the last things you heard and felt were our words, tears and touch. Our hearts are broken, and we see your blue and brown eyes looking at us from hundreds of pictures. You were our special breed–your bark, eyes and front feet were all basset, and your back side and ears were beagle–you will always be our “Bagle.”

We love you so much and will always have missing pieces of our hearts. When we meet again at the Bridge, we will be complete, and until then, know we miss you so very much.


With Broken Hearts,
Mike and Cindy Myers