Baby by Judy

In A Pet & Owners Eyes”
BABY SNEED Past at 11 week’s old

When you come home from a hard days work. You can always depend on the Pet you trust.To see your Pet jump & bark & play stay by your side and in a Pet & Owner’s Eyes they can always see the LOVE. HE or She know’s that they can TRUST. Because with a pet owner’s love you can see the joy when they play and in a Pet’s Eyes they know your there to feed them & keep them from harm’s way. A warm place to lay there head. Or even a time to CUDDLE. A Pet & Owner can see all this and more through a “Pet & Owner’s Eyes”.

Baby I miss your little PAW’S on my face those little black eyes will never fade because through your eyes we see the love we can always TRUST. Greatly missed & loved by your family.

In loving memory of BABY SNEED.



30, Dec 2000