Baby Isa by Robert & Bernadette Shuler / Mommy and Daddy

Our little angel passed away in our arms just a few days ago, and now we feel like our hearts have a large hole. She was always such a precious blessing from God. We found her in a flower garden in Greece in 1990.

The morning after she passed away, the plant in our living room suddenly just over night had the most beautiful flower we have ever seen. It was like our baby was telling us hello, and that she was with the Lord in heaven, and not feeling anymore pain or suffering.

The most heart breaking part was that the next day was my birthday. She tried so hard to come home for her daddy’s birthday, but at least we were able to hold her in our arms just one last time. Isa was sent from God and always played a vital part of our family. We can only say how much our hearts are breaking today.

Life must go on, but it doesn’t make the pain of the losing our baby any easier. We hope she will always look down on us from heaven. We love you so much Isa.


With our love always,
Baby Isa
23, Oct 2002
Robert & Bernadette Shuler