Don’t worry, little Bailey.
I will be okay.
Don’t be anxious or fretful.
Just be on your way.
Our God on high is calling.
It is time to go.
Our separation is nigh.
Tears begin to flow.
You took such good care of me,
Always by my side.
Loneliness my company,
Now my time I bide.
Don’t be sad, gentle Bailey.
Sweet dreams; go to sleep.
I pray to the Lord above
Your soul He will keep.
If God should find me worthy,
Together we’ll be,
Wherever your love is found,
For Eternity.
Dream of us, the way we were,
And will be again.
Our love and lasting friendship
Will keep until then.
God is waiting in the light.
Go to Him, sweet boy.
Angels now watch over you,
Filling you with joy.
Think of me, as I do you.
Bind us closer, still.
I love you, my dearest friend,
And I always will.
Missing you forever,
♥Bailey♥ |
15, June 2012 |
Donna |